Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long Lost Cousin-In-Law

Just recently, I have been corresponding with a cousin-in-law. This all happened because of ancestry.com. Ancestry has several ways they try to help long lost relatives connect with each. One way is through prompts that they give you about other people that are ancestry members that are researching the same lines. They do this by tracking the records that a person saves to their family tree. So, I receives these prompts - these bits of information that "so and so" saved "such and such" record to their tree.

Well, I sent an email through ancestry to what turned out to be my cousin-in-law who lives in Kansas. Who knew I have relatives living in Kansas. Turns out - I am related to his wife. His wife is related to the Carbine family from Chicago. My dad's grandfather Fred R. Smith's mother was Mary Carbine. Thus, my connection to the Carbine family. But, of course, we are all rather distantly related.

But, nonetheless, it has been fun to make a connection with a newly found cousin. This is what my blog is about. The hope that I will make connections with my long lost cousins and cousin-in-laws and of course my cousins - my family - that I already know and love. Hope you stay for the journey.


1 comment:

  1. Well you have been busy again! You know all the many times I have been on Ancestry I have never added a link for a family tree. Maybe the next time I'm on looking for Hogans I might.
