Last spring I began researching my Doll family from Edenkoben, Germany, which I posted about awhile back. They emigrated to the US in 1846 and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The father Wilhelm Doll came to Milwaukee with his married children, their spouses and children, as well as his unmarried children. He was close to 70 years old when he decided to leave behind all that he knew and head for America. What a spirit of adventure. Many people of his time period had already died by the time they were 70 and he decided to start a new life as a farmer in Wisconsin, even though he had worked his whole life as a baker. Back then there was no such thing as retirement. Just work, and more work.
It is tiny to read. But it says christened Anna Barbara, daughter of Johann Wilhelm Doll, master baker and his wife Carolina Werner. Then it goes on to state the witnesses for the christening.This is their 10th and final child.
I have set up the background - now on to the real reason for the post. Carolina Werner, the wife of Wilhelm Doll died in 1844 in Edenkoben. She has been a real mystery for as long as I have been doing genealogy (19 years). No one could ever seem to find her parents because they could not find her marriage record to Wilhelm. Well, I decided to do some careful checking of all of the records that I could find her apart of. I started slowly going through her children's christening records.
I found 3 christening records with Werner's as the witnesses. Carolina's first child born was Johann Georg b-1802 in Edenkoben. The witnesses for his christening were J. Georg Werner and his wife Catharina from Neustadt. Here is the entry below. (One of the Werner's for another christening was Carolina's sister Margaretha).
This entry is in table format. Most all of the entries are in paragraph form like the first image and give a bit more information.
It began searching the church books of Neustadt. There are Lutheran, Reformed and Catholic church books. I began with Reformed because that was the religion of Wilhelm Doll. I did not have much luck at first, so I switched to the Lutheran records. I found Carolina's birth and christening entry.
After many days of searching, I finally realized that Georg Werner and his wife Catharina Brenner each came from different religious backgrounds. Georg was from the Reformed church and Catharina was from the Lutheran church. So, they struck a deal with each other. All of their daughters were christened in the Lutheran church and all of their sons were christened in the Reformed church. This seems normal enough but this was the first time I had come across this mixing of religions. All the other German people I have researched all married within their religion. The Reformed religion were Calvinist. This southwestern part of Germany had many towns with Reformed churches, where other areas of Germany did not have any. Later the Reformed and Lutheran churches were forced to merge.
Carolina Werner was the seventh of nine children. Her father Geog Werner was a master baker in Neustadt an der Haardt which is about 61/2 miles from Edenkoben. Neustadt was one of the larger cities in the area. Many people came from different towns to work there(based on the Burgerbuchs). Wilhelm must of went there to apprentice as a baker and met Georg. Then meeting and later marrying Georg's daughter Carolina. Wilhelm eventually set up shop as a baker in his hometown of Edenkoben where our story began.
I will begin part 2 of the story next time.